Our house was filled with the presence of God as we celebrated the feast of St. John Bosco On 31 st of January in our house. The celebration began with the Holy Eucharist at 11.00 am presided over by Rev. Fr. Thomas sdb, the headmaster of Don Bosco HSS. The sermon was by Rev. Fr. Xavier Pakkiam sdb, the Ecomer of Chennai province. The mass was animated by both schools. The Holy Eucharist ended at 12.30 pm. Fellowship meal was served to the benefactors, well-wishers, special invitees, staff, non-teaching staff, and the boarders.

In the evening at 7.00 pm, we had a cultural program to honor and felicitate our Italian friends for their continuous support to our institution. At the beginning of the program, our Rector welcomed our friends from Italy. Savio senior boys gave a dance and a song. The Nirmala girls home staged a skit and a song. Our junior boys put up a dance. We also had the birthday celebration of our borders who celebrated their birthdays in the month of January. At the end of the program, children were given cake and snacks.

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